Trademark Registration
Protect your Brand by registering it as a Trademark. Benefits include exclusive ownership rights across Canada for 10 years & it is a business asset that can be sold or licensed.
Learn more about Trademark Registration.
Create a Brand Name
Are you starting a new business? Or creating a new product or service for your existing business?
One of the first things you want to do is create a brand name, however finding a brand name that is unique and protectable is not always easy.
Learn more about Creating a Brand Name in 3 easy steps with Sander Law.
IP Consulting, IP Audits & IP Strategy
Sander Law can assist with identifying the existing IP rights of your business and the best way to protect those rights. As well, Sander Law can advise on how your business can monitor its intellectual property and assess the IP of competitors. Business owners, learn more about how an IP Consultant can help protect & Optimize Your IP®.

Assignments & Licensing
Transferring or licensing IP? Sander Law can assist with preparing assignment & licensing documents for your IP rights (patents, trademarks, industrial designs, and copyright).
Freelance IP Services
Does your firm, company or in-house legal department need assistance on IP matters? Learn more about Freelance IP services offered by Jennifer Sander BASc, JD.
Next Steps...
Get in touch to discuss your Intellectual Property (IP)!