Canadian Trademark Application Processing Times
The Canadian Trademark office (CIPO) is experiencing significant delays in processing trademark applications. The backlog in applications is partially due to trademark law changes that occurred in June 2019. A large number of applications were filed before these changes took effect as application fees increased after this date. As well, the backlog is also partially a result of COVID and its impact on operations the past few years.
Current Time Estimates
The following are the current estimates to receive a first Examiner Report or Approval Notice for a Canadian application:
- If application is filed using custom goods and services terms - 36+ months (3+ years)
- If application is filed using pre-approved terms from CIPO's goods and services list - 24 months (2 years)
- If application is a Madrid protocol application - 18 months (1.5 years)
CIPO is taking steps to reduce the backlog, including hiring more trademark examiners, expanding the list of approved goods and services descriptions and using new technology.
Registering your trademarks
Applicants may wish to consider filing applications with only pre-approved goods and services descriptions as this will help accelerate examination of the application.
Interested in registering your trademark? Contact Sander Law to get started!
The above content is for informational purposes only and is not legal or professional advice.