
Have an invention? Protect it now by filing a patent application

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Got a business? Protect your brand and enhance its value by registering your trademark today

Protect your Brand with Trademark Registration

Industrial Design

Unique design? Protect the design of your products now by filing an industrial design application

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Intellectual Property (IP) Services

Jennifer Sander BASc, JD is a licensed Lawyer, a Registered Canadian Patent Agent and a Registered Canadian Trademark Agent. With over 10 years of IP experience, Jennifer provides customized & cost-effective IP services to individuals and businesses of all sizes.

Services include protecting and registering IP rights (e.g. patent, trademark, designs, copyright), preparing IP assignments & licenses, IP enforcement (e.g. cease & desist letters) and advising businesses on IP strategy & IP management.  Flat rate fees are offered for most services.


Learn more about Protecting your Brand with Trademark Registration.

Business owners, do you know the value of IP in your business? Learn more about how an IP Consultant can help your business.

Law Firms, do you have overflow patent and trademark work? Learn more about my Freelance IP services.

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Get in touch to discuss your Intellectual Property (IP)!